
Critical part of the Christian life

We would love for you to join us for our weekly Sunday morning prayer right before service from 9-9:40am! We meet in the hall by the Children's Ministry rooms.

Prayer is a critical part of the Christian life and here at Redemption Hill Church we believe God listens to our prayers (1 John 5:14) and is gracious to respond (1 John 5:15). If you have anything you would like prayer for please reach out to us! You can either call or send an email from our Contact page. Also, we encourage you to join us as we pray together as the body of Christ before every Sunday service from 9:00-9:40 am by the Children's Ministry hall.

Here are some ongoing things we are praying for:

  • We are praying about ongoing missions around the globe to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ. and both contain great information about what SG Churches are doing in regards to this mission.

We are also praying for some specific things for our Generations Project (land and building project). We are praying for:

  • First of all, we are prayerfully rejoicing in the Lord for his grace and generosity towards us that we are now able to start thinking about purchasing land and a building!
  • Spiritual guidance and pastoral wisdom to make decisions that accord with the will of God.
  • Gospel focus, that our eyes would be set upon Christ and the cross as our primary focus.
  • Neighborly witness, that God would bless our witness of his grace in whatever neighborhood or area we end up in.
  • Faith, that our labor would not be in vain because we trust God to be the one that builds. (Psalm 127:1).
  • Practical help from God in land purchase, legal and city zoning, banking and financial brokers, architects and designers, contractors, building materials and myriad other things that all need to take place for this to happen.