
Marriage Course

God’s grace is marriage-altering. Whether your marriage needs to be enriched, reignited, or completely resurrected, we are eager to come alongside you and encourage you along the way as you encounter God’s transforming grace. Re|engage is a 15-week marriage small group ministry at Redemption Hill. It includes teaching, testimonies, and small group discussion where you’ll hear from others that are on the same journey as you.

We currently offer re|engage once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Our next groups will begin meeting January 17, 2024. For more information or to sign up for our next group please Contact Us or use the form below.

Please note, the effectiveness of re|engage, both for you and for the other participants in your small group, depends largely on your consistency in weekly meetings. Therefore, we ask that you only register if you have foreseeable confidence that you won’t miss more than 2 meetings max.


Mike & Martha Stehlik
Mark & Kim Walley

Reach Out!

If you would like more information about Re|Engage or to sign up use the form below.